Visit to Pittsburgh by Jürgen Trittin, Bundestag Member


Against the backdrop of a booming fracking industry in Pennsylvania and other parts of the world, there has been an ongoing debate in Germany about potentially legalizing the drilling of shale gas. In this context, Jürgen Trittin, Member of the Bundestag (Alliance 90/The Greens) and former German Minister of the Environment, travelled to Pittsburgh to gain a greater understanding of fracking and its impact on the region.

Together with Paul Overby, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany and President of GACCPIT, Mr. Trittin visited two drilling sites in Washington County. He also took part in a roundtable discussion at Cohen and Grigsby, which addressed the topics of energy security and shale gas. GACCPIT Patron Members had the exclusive opportunity to take part in this event, too. We would like to thank all of the 20 participants for the interesting and engaging discussion!

Many thanks are also due to Ronja Engelhardt. In the past six months she has supported us greatly as an intern at GACCPIT. She will soon return home to Germany after an exciting US road trip. We wish her safe travels! Auf Wiedersehen!

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